Explore Space with Buzz Aldrin on Your iPhone

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin [iTunes link] has his own iPhone app, and it’s packed full of information, news, images and videos related to space exploration. It’s currently the one of the most popular apps in the Apple App Store’s Education category. “Buzz Aldrin Portal to Science and Space Exploration” is divided into five sections: Space Buzz, News, Interactive, Buzz Life, and More. We’ve pictured most of them below. The Space Buzz section serves up a variety of content (mission data, videos, photos, “buzz’s takes” and more) on nine subjects in space exploration, including Deep Space Exploration, Mysteries & Myths, Mars Exploration, Space Tourism & Private Ventures, Hubble & Other Telescopes, Moon Exploration, International Space Station and International Space Race....

April 16, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 219 words Â· Omid Farhang