Scam for FC Barcelona Fans

Symantec Connect: Phishers often choose baits with the motive of targeting a large audience. Using popular celebrities as bait is a good example. Phishers understand that choosing celebrities with a large fan base would target the largest audience and supply more duped users. This month phishers are using the same strategy but, instead of targeting a popular celebrity, they associated their phishing site with the popular FC Barcelona football club. FC Barcelona is the world’s second richest football club and has a large fan following....

March 13, 2012 Â· 2 min Â· 340 words Â· Omid Farhang

Phishers Dislike Facebook Timeline

Symantec Connect: Phishers regularly introduce new types of fake applications with the motive of improving their chance to harvest user credentials. In February 2012, Symantec observed a phishing site recommending a fake application that allegedly removes “Timeline” profile for Facebook users. The phishing site was hosted on a free web hosting site. The phishing site embedded the Facebook Timeline promotion video from YouTube, with the claim “Remove Timeline Now”. According to this phishing site, users will have their “Timeline” removed from their Facebook profile and get back their old profile page—only after they enter their login credentials....

March 10, 2012 Â· 2 min Â· 256 words Â· Omid Farhang

Facebook Scam: OMG – I just hate RIHANNA after watching this video

SophosLabs: Messages are spreading between Facebook users, claiming that members of the social network have lost all respect for popular songstress Rihanna after watching a video. However, if you’re careless enough to click on the link you will find yourself lured into a survey scam that attempts to earn affiliate cash for fraudsters. A typical message trying to tempt users into falling for the scam looks like this: OMG - I just hate RIHANNA after watching this video...

March 9, 2012 Â· 2 min Â· 294 words Â· Omid Farhang

Ex-girlfriend sex videos, browser plugins and Facebook survey scams

SophosLabs: Scammers are up to their old tricks on Facebook, tricking users into visiting revenue-generating survey scam websites by appearing to offer sex videos. Using a thumbnail which suggests a link to a sex video, messages posted on compromised Facebook users’ walls attempt to lure their unsuspecting Facebook friends into clicking to see more. And if the use of a saucy snapshot of a naked man and woman in an intimate pose wasn’t enough, the messages also include a variety of names (obscured in the images below) – presumably these are the names of the afflicted users’ Facebook friends....

February 21, 2012 Â· 2 min Â· 285 words Â· Omid Farhang

Facebook Spam: Police officer does good deed before he dies moments later

Have you seen this in your or your friends wall? or maybe in a page you “Like”? That’s another spam link spreading over Facebook, as I already showed you many more in older posts. Usually these links end up either in a phishing attack that theft your private information or infecting your computer. If your friend or even a stranger is posting these, don’t click on that and also report the post, here is how to do:...

February 1, 2012 Â· 1 min Â· 128 words Â· Omid Farhang

Facebook Scam: Girl killed herself on Halloween

SophosLabs: Scammers have put a new spin on an old Facebook scam, claiming that a girl killed herself on Halloween after her father posted a message on her wall. Facebook users are sharing messages with their friends, claiming to link to the salacious content. Girl-Killed-Herself-on-Halloween-After-Dad-Posted-This-on-Her-Wall [LINK] This is unbelievable.. shocking.. The messages are currently spreading very quickly on Facebook, as – at the moment at least – Facebook’s built-in security systems are not blocking them....

November 3, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 311 words Â· Omid Farhang

Facebook Scam: In memory of Steve, a company is giving out 50 ipads tonight

“In memory of Steve, a company is giving out 50 ipads tonight…” is another Facebook scam you want to avoid. More similar scam links is expected, so take care what you click on, These kind of free offers will end up in phishing or malware attacks. Don’t forget you should join the Omid’s Blog Facebook page, where I not only debunk hoaxes and chain letters or scams, but I also keep you up-to-date on the latest rogue applications, scams and malware attacks threatening Facebook users....

October 6, 2011 Â· 1 min Â· 89 words Â· Omid Farhang

iPhone 5 giveaways on Facebook – a scam or what?

SophosLabs: Even if it hasn’t been officially announced yet, and certainly isn’t available to the general public (unless an Apple employee loses a test model in a bar), there are plenty of scammers out there trying to trick you into believing you can get a free iPhone 5. Here’s just a sample of the pages on Facebook claiming to be an iPhone 5 giveaway. Typically they are trying to trick you into clicking on links, driving traffic to online surveys which earns them revenue....

September 1, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 274 words Â· Omid Farhang

BBC News/Dad walks in on daughter Facebook scams

SophosLabs: Criminals and scammers on Facebook aren’t resting on their laurels… in fact, they are branching out and using multiple techniques all rolled into one scam. Tonight’s blockbuster spam is taking on several guises. One version is a likejacking attack that spams your wall with the message “Dad walks in on daughter… EMBARRASING!!!” and “This really has to be an awkward moment.” They seem to be quickly rotating through a long list of Google (goo....

April 12, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 257 words Â· Omid Farhang

Firefox Extension Used in Facebook Scam

Symantec Connect: Not only Facebook is adding new and interesting features to its toolbox; spammers and scammers in Facebook are, too. Currently there is a scam making rounds using a classic “who is viewing your profile” themed bait. So far – nothing new. After the user grants the application the requested privileges, which of course will send out the above mentioned spam posts to all his or her friends, the user gets redirected to a download instruction site....

March 23, 2011 Â· 3 min Â· 433 words Â· Omid Farhang