
Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today

  • Post author: Omid Farhang
  • Post published: March 13, 2011
  • Reading Time: 6 min
  • Word Count: 1136 words

Today I’ve read a nice article in readwriteweb.com so I wanted share it with you: We believe that Google will preview a major new social service called Google Circles at South by Southwest Interactive today. Update: Google has now officially denied that Circles will launch here, but not that it exists. Others, including Tim O’Reilly, have also now confirmed that they’ve seen it and that it’s awesome. If what we’ve heard is correct, the service will offer photo, video and status message sharing. Everything users share on Circles will be shared only with the most appropriate circle of social contacts in their lives, not with all your contacts in bulk. Circles may be shown off at an event co-hosted tonight by the ACLU, an organization focused on privacy and the liberties it affords. It may not be a big public launch yet, but it’s clear that this is a major product in the works at the very least. ...

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