
iTunes 9.1 Released: iPad Syncing and iBooks Support Included

  • Post author: Omid Farhang
  • Post published: March 31, 2010
  • Reading Time: 1 min
  • Word Count: 206 words

Let the iPad hype and excitement begin: Apple’s preparation for the launch of the iPad has kicked into high gear. Today, the tech giant released version 9.1 of iTunes, its vastly popular music, app, and now book-managing software. The new update doesn’t do anything like radically change the iTunes interface. Instead, it is focused on providing support for the iPad, which launches this Saturday. The big addition in this software update is iPad syncing. Thus if and when you plug that glorious iPad of yours into your computer on Saturday, it’ll sync your computer’s music, movies, books, and other media with your tablet device. ...

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