Female hacker charged with stealing nude photos of Grady Sizemore

In 2009, naked photographs of American baseball star Grady Sizemore circulated on the internet after being stolen from the email account of his then girlfriend, Playboy Playmate Brittany Binger. A total of 15 photos were circulated – some showing Sizemore posing in his bathroom mirror wearing a suit, but others that showed him nude or only partially clothed. In one of the pictures, still easily available on the web, the Cleveland Indians’ star is using a coffee mug to protect his err.. modesty. ...

November 12, 2010 · 2 min · 372 words · Omid Farhang

Playboy to Publish Naked 3D Centerfold

“What would people most like to see in 3D? Probably a naked lady.” Those are the words of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, whose magazine will soon include a centerfold playmate photographed naked and in 3D. The 3D centerfold will appear in the June issue, which hits newsstands this Friday with 3D glasses included. The subject of the photos is 51st Playmate of the Year Hope Dworaczyk. ...

May 11, 2010 · 2 min · 329 words · Omid Farhang