Hoax: The Pink Profile Pic Facebook virus hoax

SophosLabs: Have you noticed the profile pics of some of your Facebook friends have acquired a pink tinge? Rumours have hit the social networking site that the Facebook app that turns your profile picture pink carries “keylogger malware” that can spy on your keypresses, and steal your passwords – not just from Facebook, but from online banks you may log into as well. One warning reads as follows: ABC News 24 just released a statement about a virus on facebook app that adds a pink tinge to your profile picture to `raise money for cancer`....

October 25, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 333 words

Facebook Scam: In memory of Steve, a company is giving out 50 ipads tonight

“In memory of Steve, a company is giving out 50 ipads tonight…” is another Facebook scam you want to avoid. More similar scam links is expected, so take care what you click on, These kind of free offers will end up in phishing or malware attacks. Don’t forget you should join the Omid’s Blog Facebook page, where I not only debunk hoaxes and chain letters or scams, but I also keep you up-to-date on the latest rogue applications, scams and malware attacks threatening Facebook users....

October 6, 2011 Â· 1 min Â· 89 words

iPhone 5 giveaways on Facebook – a scam or what?

SophosLabs: Even if it hasn’t been officially announced yet, and certainly isn’t available to the general public (unless an Apple employee loses a test model in a bar), there are plenty of scammers out there trying to trick you into believing you can get a free iPhone 5. Here’s just a sample of the pages on Facebook claiming to be an iPhone 5 giveaway. Typically they are trying to trick you into clicking on links, driving traffic to online surveys which earns them revenue....

September 1, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 274 words

Twitter finally released a "Stalkers" app? No, it's a phishing scam

Sophos Labs: Twitter users are being hit today by messages claiming to link to a new app from Twitter which will track your stalkers. However, the messages are really designed to steal your Twitter usernames and passwords. Here’s a typical message that users are seeing: Twitter finally released an app that tracks your “Stalkers” get it here [LINK] If you click on the link you are taken to what appears to be a legitimate Twitter page, asking you to confirm your username and password before the “Stalkers” app can access your account....

August 14, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 391 words

BBC News/Dad walks in on daughter Facebook scams

SophosLabs: Criminals and scammers on Facebook aren’t resting on their laurels… in fact, they are branching out and using multiple techniques all rolled into one scam. Tonight’s blockbuster spam is taking on several guises. One version is a likejacking attack that spams your wall with the message “Dad walks in on daughter… EMBARRASING!!!” and “This really has to be an awkward moment.” They seem to be quickly rotating through a long list of Google (goo....

April 12, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 257 words

My Facebook wall has been viewed X times – viral survey scam spreads rapidly

SophosLabs wrote: Do you want to know the total number of times that your Facebook wall has been viewed? Are you curious as to who may be stalking you on Facebook? If so, you’re a prime candidate for scammers who are exploiting that desire to put money into their own pockets. Here are the latest messages spreading virally between thousands of Facebook users who have fallen for the scam: Different incarnations of the scam use slightly different wording, and dream up different numbers for the boys and girls who are said to have looked at your Facebook wall:...

April 4, 2011 Â· 3 min Â· 570 words

Firefox Extension Used in Facebook Scam

Symantec Connect: Not only Facebook is adding new and interesting features to its toolbox; spammers and scammers in Facebook are, too. Currently there is a scam making rounds using a classic “who is viewing your profile” themed bait. So far – nothing new. After the user grants the application the requested privileges, which of course will send out the above mentioned spam posts to all his or her friends, the user gets redirected to a download instruction site....

March 23, 2011 Â· 3 min Â· 433 words

Your own email @facebook.com? Beware Facebook survey scam

Thousands of Facebook users have been hit by a scam which claims to give them early access to a facebook.com email address. Messages, appearing in the news feed of users who have fallen for the scam, read: Just got my own email @facebook.com! Quickly get one before someone takes your name [LINK] However, clicking on the links leads you to a webpage which tricks you into giving a third party application permission to post to your Facebook wall....

December 20, 2010 Â· 1 min Â· 191 words

Adobe update spam scam

Here’s the latest twist in the “membership” site scam: spam emails that tell potential victims to update their Adobe Reader include links to a web site intended to look like something related to Adobe products, but is selling “memberships.” The REAL way to update your Adobe software is on the help menu: help | check for updates (see the end of this blog piece for details). The spam email: Notice that the graphic on the web page says “PDF Reader/Writer” and doesn’t mention Adobe, as the email (and the URL it contained) did:...

December 6, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 304 words

Can you really see who viewed your Facebook profile? Rogue application spreads virally

SophosLab: Once again, a rogue application is spreading virally between Facebook users pretending to offer you a way of seeing who has viewed your profile. As we’ve described a couple of times before, plenty of Facebook users would *love* to know who has been checking them out online.. but unfortunately scammers are aware of this, and use the lure of such functionality as a way to trick you into making bad decisions....

November 28, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 449 words