Managing multiple Angular projects can be a daunting task, especially as teams grow and codebases become more complex. In this article, we’ll explore three common approaches for managing multiple Angular projects: Micro Frontends, Monorepo, and Reusable Shared Module. We’ll compare their advantages, disadvantages, and suitability for different scenarios to help you make an informed decision for your Angular projects.

Micro Frontends

Consider a large e-commerce platform comprising several distinct sections, including product catalog, shopping cart, checkout, and user profile. With micro frontends, each section can be developed and deployed independently as a separate micro frontend. This enables different teams to work autonomously on their respective sections, improving development speed, scalability, and flexibility.


  • Independent Development: Teams can work on different parts of the application independently, allowing for faster development and deployment cycles.
  • Scalability: Micro frontends architecture scales well, allowing teams to add or update features without affecting other parts of the application.
  • Technology Flexibility: Different teams can choose the technologies and frameworks that best suit their requirements, promoting innovation and experimentation.


  • Complexity: Implementing and managing micro frontends architecture can be complex, especially in terms of routing, communication between micro frontends, and ensuring a consistent user experience.
  • Overhead: There may be additional overhead in terms of setup, maintenance, and coordination between teams, especially in larger organizations.


A software development company maintains a suite of related Angular applications, including a customer portal, admin dashboard, and reporting tool. By using a monorepo, all projects reside in a single repository, facilitating easier code sharing, collaboration, and consistency across projects. Developers can work on multiple projects within the same repository, streamlining development workflows and ensuring code consistency.


  • Centralized Codebase: All projects reside in a single repository, facilitating easier code sharing, collaboration, and consistency across projects.
  • Simplified Dependency Management: Shared code and dependencies are managed centrally, reducing version conflicts and ensuring consistent usage.
  • Efficient CI/CD: A monorepo enables streamlined CI/CD pipelines, with changes to shared code triggering automatic builds and tests across affected projects.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Teams have a holistic view of all projects and shared code, improving visibility, code reuse, and knowledge sharing.


  • Complexity: Managing a monorepo can become complex, especially as the number of projects and contributors grows.
  • Tooling Requirements: Specialized tooling (e.g., lerna, Nx) may be required to manage dependencies, build configurations, and code organization effectively.
  • Versioning Challenges: Coordinating versioning and releases across multiple projects within a monorepo can be challenging, requiring careful planning and coordination.

Reusable Shared Module

A development team is building a suite of Angular applications for a large enterprise, including an HR management system, inventory tracking tool, and project management dashboard. They create a reusable shared module containing common components, services, and directives used across all applications. This approach promotes code reuse, consistency, and maintainability across projects.


  • Simplicity: Setting up a shared module is straightforward, allowing teams to quickly share common functionality across projects without the overhead of managing a monorepo.
  • Isolation: Each project consumes the shared module as a dependency, maintaining independence and flexibility in development.
  • Versioning: Libraries can be versioned independently, enabling projects to use specific versions as needed.
  • Ease of Management: Updating and maintaining a shared module is relatively simple, especially when changes are backward compatible.


  • Dependency Management: Projects using the shared module rely on external dependencies, potentially leading to version conflicts and compatibility issues.
  • Deployment Challenges: Each project must manage its dependencies, potentially complicating deployment pipelines.
  • Limited Collaboration: Sharing code through a shared module might limit collaboration and real-time updates, as changes require coordination and updates across projects.


Choosing the right approach for managing multiple Angular projects depends on various factors such as project size, team size, collaboration requirements, and long-term goals. While Micro Frontends offer flexibility and independent development, Monorepo provides centralized management and enhanced visibility. On the other hand, Reusable Shared Module offers simplicity and isolation but may lead to dependency management challenges and limited collaboration. By carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project requirements and objectives.
