The FBI is willing to pay top dollar to download some malware

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is willing to pay top dollar for the malicious, infectious software the rest of us pay to keep out of our computers, according to the Federal Business Opportunities website. A Monday price quote request by the Investigative Analysis Unit of the agency’s Operational Technology Division is asking computer security developers and retailers to help the agency build a library of malware for an undisclosed reason, letting the companies name their price....

February 7, 2014 · 2 min · 253 words · Omid Farhang

Important: Today is your last chance to keep your internet connection

Tomorrow, July 9th, the FBI will shutdown the DNS servers which allow the computers infected with this malware to use the Internet. If you want to make sure you will keep your internet working, act today and check your computer to see if it’s infected by DNS Changer or not, here is a very easy to use tool: Tool available for those affected by the DNS-Changer

July 8, 2012 · 1 min · 66 words · Omid Farhang

Webcam cyber-sextortionist preyed on over 200 women

A perverted hacker who spied upon more than 200 women via their webcams and microphones, after infecting their computers with malware, was arrested earlier this year by the FBI after a two year investigation. The 31-year-old man broke into victims’ personal computers, and stole personal information. Threatening to share the private information with their parents and email contacts, the man pressured the young women (some of them still young teenagers) into providing him with risqué pictures and videos....

November 4, 2010 · 3 min · 584 words · Omid Farhang