Molybdenum deficiency is very rare, but not in Iran

What is Molybdenum? Molybdenum is a chemical element with the symbol Mo and atomic number 42 which is located in period 5 and group 6. The name is from Neo-Latin molybdaenum, which is based on Ancient Greek Μόλυβδος molybdos, meaning lead, since its ores were confused with lead ores. Why Molybdenum Is an Essential Nutrient You may not have heard of the trace mineral molybdenum, but it is essential to your health....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 321 words · Omid Farhang

Stuxnet Missing Link Found, Resolves Some Mysteries Around the Cyberweapon

Cross-posted from WIRED. As Iran met in Kazakhstan this week with members of the UN Security Council to discuss its nuclear program, researchers announced that a new variant of the sophisticated cyberweapon known as Stuxnet had been found, which predates other known versions of the malicious code that were reportedly unleashed by the U.S. and Israel several years ago in an attempt to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. The new variant was designed for a different kind of attack against centrifuges used in Iran’s uranium enrichment program than later versions that were released, according to Symantec, the U....

February 27, 2013 · 10 min · 2091 words · Omid Farhang

Narilam Worm manipulates databases in Iran

h-Online: Security firm Symantec has discovered a specialised worm called W32.Narilam that can compromise SQL databases. Symantec reports that the malware “speaks” Persian and Arabic and appears to target mainly companies in Iran. Narilam is, therefore, reminiscent of Stuxnet and its variants. Narilam spreads via USB flash drives and network shares. Once inside the system, the worm searches for SQL databases that are accessible via the Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLEDB) API....

November 24, 2012 · 2 min · 238 words · Omid Farhang

Panetta Sounds Alarm on Cyber-War Threat

I just read this and I decided to share with you: In the hour-long session with the magazine’s editors, he said: – “We are facing the threat of a new arena in warfare that could be every bit as destructive as 9/11 — the American people need to know that. We can’t hide this from the American people any more than we should have hidden the terrorism-attack threat from the American people....

October 14, 2012 · 1 min · 187 words · Omid Farhang

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Joins Instagram, Posts Pics

Mashable: Iran’s Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei joined Instagram last week and so far has posted four photos. Iran’s supreme leader since 1989 chose to share shots that likely show scenes of Ramadan. It comes as a surprise to some that a person who has been slow to get onboard with social media trends — not to mention Iran’s stance toward its citizens’ use of the social media — has joined Instagram....

August 2, 2012 · 2 min · 243 words · Omid Farhang

Madi Malware: Another Trojan Targets Organizations from the Middle East [Updated]

This article is copied from Softpedia: Researchers from Symantec, Kaspersky and Seculert **have all come across Madi (Madhi), a relatively new piece of malware that mainly targets organizations from the Middle East. ** Before we take a look at Madi and compare it to other infamous Trojans such as Stuxnet, Duqu, or Flame, let’s take a quick look at its name. According to Wikipedia, Mahdi is considered to be the redeemer of Islam who will rid the world of tyranny, injustice and wrongdoings....

July 18, 2012 · 2 min · 367 words · Omid Farhang

AVAST software blocked its services for embargoed countries

Petr Chocholous in response to Iranian users contacting avast saying they are unable to open website or update their antivirus said: AVAST Software a.s. is currently blocking access to port 80 (that effectively means websites and updates of avast! software) of its servers from following countries: Iran, Sudan, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and Burma/Myanmar. AVAST Software a.s. [and its subsidiaries/sister companies] must not provide any services in these countries because of policies and regulations that are applicable to AVAST Software a....

May 29, 2012 · 1 min · 113 words · Omid Farhang

Flame worm – Iran claims to discover new Stuxnet-like malware

Naked Security wrote: The Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team (MAHER) claims to have discovered a new targeted malware attack attacking the country, which has been dubbed Flame (also known as Flamer or Skywiper). In a statement, researchers say that they believe the malware is “a close relation” to Stuxnet, and claim that Flame is not detected by any of 43 anti-virus products it tested against, but that detection was issued to select Iranian organizations and companies at the beginning of May....

May 28, 2012 · 1 min · 148 words · Omid Farhang

Fake Google Iranian domain defaced by Algerian Script Kiddies

TheHackerNews: Google got Pwned ? NO Few Algerian Script Kiddies try to spread fake rumors that they Hack and Deface the Giant Search engine “Google Iranian” domain . As the screenshot shown a Algerian flag on it and Page Titles : **“**H4Ck3D By vaga-hacker dz and DR.KIM”. As mentioned by hacker, the team include hackers named : “V4Ga-Dz,Dz0ne,DR-KIM King-Dz,BroX0 aghilass elite jrojan password kha&mix wasim -dz” . It is not confirmed that, either these are member from some Anonymous Hackers but they try to use Anonymous Hackers Tag line : We Dont Forget , We Dont Forgive, Expect Us!...

May 3, 2012 · 1 min · 213 words · Omid Farhang

Iran makes its own anti-virus software – would you buy it?

SophosLabs: According to reports, Iran has started making its own anti-virus software. It is said that experts from Shiraz Computer Emergency Response Team of APA (Academic Protection and Awareness) of Iran have been working on the project to help better protect the country’s digital defenses. Of course, Iran is no stranger to malware. It found itself thrust into the spotlight in 2010 when the infamous Stuxnet worm was widely reported to have infected industrial plants (including nuclear plants) in the country with the seeming intention to target and sabotage SCADA systems....

May 3, 2012 · 2 min · 344 words · Omid Farhang