No Multitasking for iPhone 3G and Early iPod Touch Models

One of the finer points Steve Jobs let loose at the end of the iPhone OS 4.0 announcement today is that only the iPhone 3GS and iPod touch third generation (the most recent iteration from fall 2009) will have the capacity to support the iPhone OS 4.0’s new multitasking features. In other words, owners of the iPhone 3G, iPhone 2G, and first or second generation iPod touch models will not be able to multitask....

April 9, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 233 words

Apple reinvents multitasking for the iPhone

Multitasking, the feature that has been the absolute top of every iPhone user’s want list –which, by proxy became a major marketing point for both Android and webOS — has made its way to iPhone OS 4. “We figured out how to implement multitasking for third party apps and avoid those things [battery life and lag]. So that’s what took so long,” said Apple CEO Steve Jobs this morning. While it’s not actually full background processing, Apple has devised a way to reproduce the feeling....

April 9, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 217 words

Steve Jobs: 450,000 iPads Sold, 3.5 Million Apps Downloaded

Steve Jobs has just taken the stage at Apple’s iPhone OS 4.0 press event. Before getting to the anticipated product announcements, Jobs took the opportunity to highlight the immediate success of the iPad, which launched on Saturday. As of today, Apple has sold 450,000 iPads — 150,000 more than total sales on the first day. That’s a phenomenal figure on the hardware sales side, but Jobs wasted no time celebrating some the iPad’s software accomplishments as well....

April 9, 2010 Â· 1 min Â· 156 words

The Apple-Adobe War Escalates: Using Flash to Build iPhone Apps Banned

Today, Apple revised its iPhone Developer Program License Agreement to effectively ban the use of the Flash-to-iPhone converter. Throughout 2010, Steve Jobs and Apple made it very clear that they do not like Adobe. At all. They prominently left Flash off the iPad, instead promoting HTML5 at every opportunity. For some time now, though, Adobe’s had a tool to circumvent Apple’s ban on Flash for the iPhone and iPad: the Adobe Creative Suite 5 Flash-to-iPhone converter, which would have allowed developers to create apps in Flash and then port them over into iPhone....

April 9, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 328 words

Apple sues HTC for iPhone patent infringement

Apple has sued smartphone maker HTC for patent infringement, citing 20 patents related to the iPhone’s user interface, architecture, and hardware, a statement from the company said this morning. A statement from Apple CEO Steve Jobs today said, “We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about it. We’ve decided to do something about it. We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours....

March 2, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 228 words