In continue from Days are still going on, but how?–Part6
After about one month, I got letter from Military office, invitation for about 3 weeks later, so I went on the time.
Since last time I went I saw these times they say is not accurate, I did not hurry! I went there with bus this time (I went to bank to pay $$$ a few days before). I went there and knew where I must go this time, I waited until they called my name, I though I’m going to military or I’m not going, not any other option!, well, I went in and gave them my recent test results, they read it and looked at me and said to each other yeah he look likes to have problem! (God damn! what I kind of doctor they are, they have my test results in their hand and decide about my problems depending on my face? Holy shit!), the second doctor read my test results and…:
- He: Yeah, your test result is positive, you have problem but you have to confirm that in another hospital
- Me: What?! why again?
- He: That’s the law!
- Me: Why? your rule says that 3 doctor must confirm every problem, even if you want 2 hospital confirm that, here is test result from 3 hospital which 2 of them is where you sent me
- He: well, sorry! you have to confirm this with another hospital, that’s the way Thyroid get verified.
- Me: But…
- He: bye!
He wrote address of next Hospital I must go, I could not believe the story begun again! anyway I could do nothing about that, in the way back home and called my mom and told her, he could not believe too, also my friend.
After weekend I went to the hospital they said, I found the path on Google Earth to go there faster and easier, I went there, in the Information asked about where I must go, he said you have wait until the admin comes, I sit and wait, after 20 min and went and asked:
- Me: sorry, if I wait and he comes, Is doctor here today to visit me for Thyroid?
- He: No, we have not glance doctor at all!
- Me: Huh? so why you told me to wait? are you kidding me?
- He: No, But General doctor can visit you
- Me: ok, let me know if he is here today
- He: No, you should come at morning, he is here only 8:00 AM to 1:00PM
- Me: next time tell this at first. pfff….
I come back home, next day I went sooner, I went directly to admin office, he checked my picture in the ID card and my document, said is this you? I said yeah, he looked again and I told him why they don’t match, hairless!
After he checked everything, those idiots again stamped on my hand, Grrr!
and told me go pay this, I looked for when I must pay that, finally found that it’s in other side of street!!!
,I went to other building to pay that, Floor 4, I went from stairs
, good news is that it was not that expensive and also Doctor is in same floor and don’t need to go down again.
I went to Doctor room, after he finished his SMS(es!) he greeted me and I gave him my history of my testes and other related info, he read them and told me that my problem is not that serious, that’s why they sent me here again for another test, he offered me to stop taking meds for 20 days and test again to get more bright test result to show in military office. he look likes a good doctor. I accepted and come back home.
Ok readers!! all what you have read to now, has been my story from 6 months ago until this moment, from now on I will post what ever happens, Thanks for reading, don’t forget to leave comments!