New Computer

Happy New Computer (To me!) Finally it was time to get a new computer as the old one was not working any longer for my needs and about a month ago passed away with a broken Graphic Card. After saving a few $$$ and considering my budget I got a good balance of power-computer and price. Here is configuration of my new computer (Click on images to see full size):...

January 11, 2015 · 2 min · 311 words · Omid Farhang

What I have, and am busy with

Hey Folks Maybe you have noticed that I’ve been less active here in my forum and there are some reasons for that! Over last 2 months (or maybe 3) I’ve been busy with several stuff and on top of them with my website, so here is what I’ve done so far or what I am going to do: I got my own hosting. [Done] Moved my website from Google Sites to my own hosting....

June 27, 2013 · 3 min · 554 words · Omid Farhang

And “A2” is passed

Talking of German class, A2 is passed too and I will be heading to B1 in next 2 weeks. These 2 classes in A2 (A2.1 and A2.2) had lots of memories for me, meeting good people, getting to know a really good man as teacher and… I never had this much happiness, sadness, stress, changes etc. in any era of my life, I’ve had lots of good memories from my first class but I can say A2 were more “living” with all the surrounding stories it had....

March 11, 2013 · 2 min · 365 words · Omid Farhang

New toys to listen music even better

Hey Folks I’m back with some new toys to listen music even better, here we go: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro USB Sound Card A USB Sound Card, better audio quality than internal sound card of computer (24-bit/96kHz) with a handy volume control on top. Since it connects to computer via a USB cable I can have it on my desk so connecting headphone or microphone to it is much easier too....

March 4, 2013 · 1 min · 179 words · Omid Farhang

A day in my life

Ding diding diding ding… Mobile phone’s alarm wake me up, It’s 8 AM again and it’s not either Thursday or Friday otherwise he would let me sleep a bit more, with closed eyes I look for the mobile beside my bed to find it and stop the alarm, I pick it up and drag that red button to stop the alarm, let’s take a look what happened in the last 4-5 hours that I’ve been sleeping, any text message or email?...

October 25, 2012 · 11 min · 2172 words · Omid Farhang

Disappear from world

You know, suicide is one of the stuff that I’ve always given a thumb-up to, but every person in this small world has their own reason to stay away from that, one may love his/her life and see no reason for doing that, good for them!, one may afraid of death, one may don’t afraid of death and care about what happens after their death and… Those people who think about “What happens after I do this” are same people who wish they could disappear from world, thinking wish they could left without having an effect on anyone else, Thinking “Can my mother take it?...

October 18, 2012 · 2 min · 281 words · Omid Farhang

I want, I don’t want

I never could understand those people that afraid everything and everyone, why people don’t live in a normal and easy world? Why take it so hard? I’m talking of the moment when I respect a boy and he behaves defensive because he thinks I’m looking for his money… I’m talking of the moment when I respect a man and he behaves defensive because he thinks I’m looking to use his position…...

September 2, 2012 · 2 min · 373 words · Omid Farhang

Unfortunately unforgettable sweet memories

I don’t know if I should be happy or sad, when I remember sweet and beautiful memories which were nice at the moment those days but now they are gone and remembering them hurts. Yeah it’s kinda weird that why such good memories can hurt, people always look for having good time with good people but when time goes on remembering those good times can be hurting and so you wish you had not those good days to remember them later and hurt yourself, ‘unfortunately unforgettable sweet memories’....

August 18, 2012 · 1 min · 188 words · Omid Farhang

I don't want to hear about flowers, I like death and destruction

I can’t stand to let them win, I’m just watching them, And I don’t know what to do, Feeling like a fool inside, Feeling all the hurt… Thought they were my friends. Never mind… Let’s talk about something else, What super-power you wished in your life to have? I mean something like Time-travel, going invisible, mind-reading, unlimited body strength etc.., Mine is going invisible, always I wished I could be like that, going invisible and see so much things that I never can see and hear now....

June 10, 2012 · 2 min · 364 words · Omid Farhang

This Depression is Great

They told me look at everything positive, so I’m gonna do it: “This Depression is Great!” I believe many of the solutions advised by psychologist out there is kind of “fooling oneself” fooling and fooling, so many stupid things in a row to do best phantasy to make hell look beautiful for the person and make him believe everything is cool and be happy while he is in hell!, that’s the reason I never wanted meet one of them, they don’t know anything about your life and then they want to decide about your life and saying what’s right and what not....

June 1, 2012 · 4 min · 686 words · Omid Farhang