Days are still going on, but how?–Part7

In continue from Days are still going on, but how?–Part6 After about one month, I got letter from Military office, invitation for about 3 weeks later, so I went on the time. Since last time I went I saw these times they say is not accurate, I did not hurry! I went there with bus this time (I went to bank to pay $$$ a few days before). I went there and knew where I must go this time, I waited until they called my name, I though I’m going to military or I’m not going, not any other option!...

December 15, 2010 Â· 4 min Â· 668 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part6

In continue from Days are still going on, but how?–Part5 First day after weekend I went to the hospital they told me, I’ve been there about 2:00 PM, guess what?! They said come back tomorrow, why? working time is 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM, we are off now, HUH???? Hospital has off time? you mean patients should go home and come back tomorrow to their beds?! well, I went home and come back next day, I’ve been there about 10:00 AM, They said go to ‘Beliefs and Politics Office’, Ah, what’s this, I went to Floor 4 and to the office, they checked my ID cards and other documents I had (seems for security reason), and then stamp on my forearm, I thought stamp is supposed to be used on paper and not on human body!...

December 6, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 609 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part5

In continue from Days are still going on, but how?–Part4 I got letter from Military office to say when I must go, it had an additional paper saying how much I must pay to them by going to which bank, Thanks God we don’t pay for breathing at least! Last night before going I tried to sleep sooner than other night, so I went to bed 2:00AM, not 4:00AM like other nights!...

December 1, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 321 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part4

In continue from Days are still going on, but how?–Part3 After living 24 hours with that Holter during walking, sleeping, eating and weeing!! I come back to the hospital to get rid of it and get the result, the guy connected that device to computer and printed result, wow, 10 Pages result! I went to show result to Doctor and ask him to confirm my document, GRRRR, he is not here today, I’ve to come back tomorrow…...

November 29, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 286 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part3

In continue from: Part 2 of ‘Life is going on But how?’ Next day and time to connect that Holter Monitor (Not for Heart rhythm, for Blood Pressure, a few different from what you might know). They got a lot of money (enough said!) and my ID Card until I return this device to them, now going back to home! Notice my left arm, it’s blowing air to that thing to take my Blood Pressure every 15 minutes, yeah I felt it ****ed my hand during this 24 hours!...

November 28, 2010 Â· 1 min Â· 136 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part2

In continue from: Part 1 of ‘Life is going on But how?’ Next day, I went to hospital again, I went for ‘Heart’, This damned doctor is not here again, so I went upper floor again asking for doctor for the ‘Thyroid’, Oh, That Doctor is in the room next to the doctor I met yesterday, again same secretary! Me: Hi again! He: Hi dear Kamran! Me: I’m not Kamran!! He: I Know!...

November 28, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 573 words

Days are still going on, but how?–Part1

About 6 months ago, I decide to go pass my military service, It’s a compulsory military service for every boy over 18 years old in my country. Well, a few months ago before that, I decide to try my chance to use my ‘illness’ prevent spending 18 months of my life in there, so I visited my doctor and he used some test, picture bla bla to prepare my Medical Documents, Thanks Doctor!...

November 28, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 311 words